How to Choose a Roofing Company

September 04, 2021

It’s important to choose the right roofing company to protect you and your family from the elements for many years. Roofing done incorrectly puts your family at risk of safety issues, increases expenses, and creates many inconveniences in your life. This article looks at some of the best tips for ensuring you find the right team for your roof repair or project.

Do Your Research

Clicking on the first roofing company you find on Google does not ensure quality. Doing some research on the internet in conjunction with asking friends and neighbors can save you stress down the road. Word of mouth is still the most powerful way of finding a reliable construction outfit. When you have a few recommendations or possible contractors, check their websites and read their “About Us” section to find out more about their offerings.

Read Reviews 

Reviews are not always reliable but can be a way to find questions to ask potential contractors. Reviews contain all sorts of additional information that can be useful in critically thinking about the best choice for you while also offering information that may not be on the website like how long jobs take on average with this team, or what kinds of additional services may be offered by the roofing contractors in question. 

Ask Questions

Ask questions on forums of former customers about job completion, customer service, if there are any hidden costs, and what factors were involved in their online postings. The accuracy of cost to quotes is often something missed when hiring so also be sure to get this feedback. Reach out to the companies as well with these questions and compare customer responses. 

Get a Quote 

A roof repair can be costly but to minimize the investment needed, be sure to get a quote on suggested work to be performed. This quote should be a breakdown of labor, materials, and other expenses involved. It can be a good reassurance to know exactly what is going into completing your roofing job while also helping you to make decisions within your budget.

Align Values 

When you hire a contractor, you are inviting a team of people to come into your private home. Welcoming people into your home requires a degree of trust in the business and people you’re hiring, which is why you will want to share values.

Some common core values sought by homeowners bringing contractors into their homes are that people are treated with respect and dignity, that contracts and agreements are honored, and that safety comes first.

At 12 Stones Roofing, we pride ourselves on quality control, impeccable work standards, and the core values listed above. Our team is highly trained, respectful, and well respected within the roof repair and general construction industry. 

Repair, Renovate, or Reconstruct Your Roof Today 

As a family business for over 40 years, we have the experience and knowledge to help you complete your roofing project as stress-free as possible. Call us now at 832-905-9823, or contact us through our website.